Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Now that we know about Global Warming, What can we do?

Well, on the advice of my amazing Social Studies Pre practicum Professor, I decided to check out which is an organization commited to changing our environment,

Their mission is to inspire the world to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis-to create a new sense of urgency and of possibility for our planet!

Your probally wondering where 350 came from? Me too!
This is what their website had to say.

350, as in parts per million CO2, If we cant get below that, scientists say that the damage we are already seeing from global warming will continue and accelerate, but 350 is more than a number, its a symbol of where we need to head as a planet.

This is site is really cool and I advise everyone to take a look at it, I will be adding it to my link list. I searched around this site for over an hour and I found a bunch of awesome information. The topic of my blog this week is focused on what we can do, so I will stick to sharing that info with you, and boy did I find some really interesting ways to help! Starting with 10/10/10. 10/10/10 is the day that the work party starts..Will you join me? Well first I need to explain what it is. Sorry, I am overly excited and I only have 10 days to think of what I will do :)
O.K. so basically, what it is, is a way to take action in your community and help with the issue of climate change. You can creat a work project in your community, something large or small. Some great ideas are below.
Organize a tree planting, try to aim to plant 350 trees in a day
Work on a community Garden.
Ride a bike, paint bike lanes in you community or be really ambitious and head up a 350 mile awarness bike ride!
Organize a trash cleanup and make sure products get recycled.
Join the 10:10 campaign, go to to find out how.

I am so excited that I found this site, there is so much useful information that teaches all about the effects of global warming and what we can actually do about it. It just goes to show that millions of people are trying to make a change and they want you and I to join them! Another really neat aspect of this site is campaigns from the previous years, along with pictures and videos.
Oh, and if you do decided to do something for 10/10/10 make sure you take a picture with some sort of 350 graphic(sign,etc) and upload it to the site, becasue they are going to create a gigantic photo petition to show the world that people everywhere are demanding leadership on solutions to the climate crisis that will get the world back to 350.

17 countries dont have any work parties yet, get over to the website asap and see what you can do to help!
I cant wait to hear if anyone decides to do something :)

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